Create scripted events that allow you to change the game and trigger events as your players walk over certain parts of your game. Create ambushes / traps / reactive worlds with this feature.
Placing down a dynamic action is easy. Once you have selected which one you want from the menubar under the dynamic actions bar. You should have a rectangle over your mouse. Left clicking onto the world on a free spot should place down a dynamic action. When the player walks over the dynamic action it triggers the event that you have created. The different effects are described down below.
You can put multiple dynamic actions on top of each other to combine effects. The idea is that the actions work together in different combinations to create different use cases. IE if the platforms are no longer solid; a sound effect is played at the same time to help communicate what happened.
Change Alpha of Statics
This will set the alpha value to all of the statics selected from the statics panel. You can change the static to any loaded into your module. If there is no statics then there will be no effect.
You can reveal parts of your scene. Or hide parts of your scene only for them to appear later using this effect.
Change Solid State of Statics
This changes all the statics in the static panel to either be solid or no longer solid.
This can cause some very scary moments having the ground just give way and no longer have any bearings. Or it can be used to lock away sections of your game.
Change Colour of Statics
This changes all the statics selected in the static panel to this colour.
This can be used to demonstrate locks or unlocking areas. Imagine a screen turning red from green. That communicates very well to the player
Add Ghost Effect to Statics
This makes all statics in the static panel appear briefly then vanish. It sets the static alpha value to be 1 then 0
This is a useful effect to combine with the sound. Its designed for horror games so it's a useful if you set your statics alpha value as 0 then
Set Dialogue to Trigger
This sets the dialogue to trigger the dialogue selected frio
You can chain more complex actions / conditions to trigger by using the dynamic action to trigger the event, and the dialogue to do the more complex actions / calculations.
Set NPC to Appear
This triggers the npc selected to appear.
1 Select the NPC you wish to spawn
2 Then you need to set where the npcs spawn in your cell by pressing the set NPC spawn and clicking on the world where it will happen
Then every time the player walks across the condition the NPC should spawn
You can set ambushes this way by placing multiple npc spawns on top of eachother so NPCs appear on all sides of the player. Or will chase the player out in a hoard.
Play Sound
This action is under the sounds tab which is why it can't be found in the dynamic actions area.
Plays the selected sound from the sound browser with the appropriate pitch and gain volume. S
Set Statics to Rotate
Adds an additional rotation to the statics when triggered. Remember to set the angle to more then 0 as this system adds rotation. So if its 0 it will only add 0. If the setting is 90 then it will +90 to the rotation of all the statics.
Set Cell to Teleport
Teleports the player where the cell is loaded to when they collide with this point
To specify where in the cell the player would load select the teleport cell reference in the cell tools in the menubar and set the spawn point there.
Set Water Level
Sets the water to the y position if player walks over the dynamic action.The water will go back to what it was placed with in the water brush.
Set the water Y first in the dynamic action to move it. Also it can be set to multiple different positions by placing down multiple dynamic actions with different water positions.
Using Conditions with flags
Conditions are how the dynamic action is played. For instance if you have a jump scare. It may become fatiguing that every time the play walks across the trigger the element of surprise or tension would be lost if it plays every time. That's why there are 3 flag triggers to help with how you want each event to be played.
Do Always Every Time: This means that the action triggers every time the player walks across it
Do Once Per Game: This means that the event will only trigger once per play through
Do Once Per Cell Load: This means that the action will occur only once but if the player goes into another cell and comes back then the trigger will play again.
The conditions use a flag based system. Each time the player goes over the dynamic event it adds a flag to its unique id. You can compare this id in the dialogue system with the dialogues flag checking system by finding the dynamic actions unique flag id in your appdata. Unfolding\Your Module Name\data\flags\unsaved